Hello !
I'm Bardizba
I'm a freelance Fullstack Web Developer from Indonesia. Most of the projects I build use Laravel for the backend and Vue or Jquery for the frontend.
Backend Developer PT Surya Anugrah Mulya
Programmer UPT TIK Universitas Negeri Semarang
Freelance Software Engineer IDivisionTech Semarang
Web Programmer Intern IKITAS Semarang
Self Employee Freelance Fullstack Developer
Scholarship PPA Unnes
Finalist of Capture The Flag Competition JOINTS 2019 Universitas Gadjah Mada
Finalist of Capture The Flag Competition Arkavidia 5.0 Institut Teknologi Bandung
Finalist of Mobile Applcation Competition Institut Teknologi Bandung Cooperative Day
Finalist of Capture The Flag Competition JOINTS 2018 Universitas Gadjah Mada
Computer Science (S1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
MIPA SMA N 1 Rembang
Specialized Staff of Design & Animation Division Screenshot Ilmu Komputer Unnes
Specialized Staff of Programming Division I-Secret Ilmu Komputer Unnes
Chief of Screenshot Underbow Hima Ilmu Komputer Unnes
Information Technology Division OSIS SMA N 1 Rembang