
Some projects that i build

Pioneer Transactions Web Multi Language

Pioneer Transactions Web Multi Language

Creating a mutli language system for a website

Web Apps Link To The Project
Bipa Placement Test

Bipa Placement Test

Bipa is Stands for Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing or Bahasa Indonesia for foreigners. this placement test takes user to 3 level test, starting from reading section, word part fills, and sentence ordering. the result is a sum of point that indicates the level of how foreigners understands Bahasa Indonesia.

Web Apps Link To The Project
Data Collection for Diabetics from instagram based on ages and location

Data Collection for Diabetics from instagram based on ages and location

Data mining on instagram to search for accounts that indicates they are Diabetics. using some filtering based on location of their post and faces that exist in Profile picture we can determine the location and ages of those diabetics. this project also use some keyword and scanned list of some diabet related tags/accounts to find diabetics account. the accuracy for collected diabetics account is quiet Well, above 90%

Data Mining & Extraction
Instagram Photo Downloader With Face Filter using Image Recognition

Instagram Photo Downloader With Face Filter using Image Recognition

Creating an instagram batch photo downloader that collect photo automaticaly and add Face Filters. so the downloaded image will be have faces not a paintings or other images. this project is created for my client from India via Fiverr.

Data Mining & Extraction
SPAM Checker - Telegram Bot

SPAM Checker - Telegram Bot

A bot that check if a message is categorized as a SPAM (Promotion & Frauds) or HAM (Normal Message).

Telegram Bot Link To The Project
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan AHP

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan AHP

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (DSS) yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu pemilihan keputusan dengan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Project aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk membantu permasalahan pendukung keputusan secara General.

Web Apps Github Link To The Project
Mephone - Sistem Pemilihan Handphone

Mephone - Sistem Pemilihan Handphone

Decission Support system using Simple Additive Weighting Method and fuzzy logic. this web apps intended to rank all phone based on user's preferences about the phone spesification and price.

Web Apps Github Link To The Project
Gondang Flora Database

Gondang Flora Database

This is the first project that i build using Vue for frontend. i create this project for one of my agenda in Community Service Program (we called it Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN). the idea is to collect all Flora's data that exists in place. and the data is stored in MySQL Database.

Web Apps Github Link To The Project
Risinglife |

Risinglife |

Rising Life merupakan layanan curhat berbasis psikologi yang dilakukan secara online maupun offline. Rising Life membantu anda menemukan ahli kesehatan mental secara mudah. Selain curhat, Rising Life juga menyediakan informasi seputar kesehatan mental yang dapat anda nikmati untuk menambah wawasan tentang kesehatan mental. Rising Life dibuat dengan tujuan sebagai tempat pertolongan pertama untuk anda yang memiliki permasalahan

Web Apps Link To The Project
Covid19 Apps

Covid19 Apps

A simple apps to retreive Statistical data of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) in Indonesia.

Mobile Web Apps Github Link To The Project
Find Me @bardiz12